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Are Eyelash Extensions Bad

Will Eyelash Extensions Ruin My Lashes

There is a lot of conflicting opinions on this topic, the lady with the lashes for the last 5 years will say she can’t live without them while a single bad experience for a newbie will throw them off for life! And she won’t hesitate to let her friends and family know all about her horrible experience.

Yet so many people wear them.

The allure of lovely, lushes lashes is hard to fight, after all ‘who doesn’t want long, thick lashes 24hours a day?’

Whether your new to the lash extension world or you’re a ‘lifer’ learning more can only be good for you.

Close up of womans face with eyelash extensions

To answer the question 'are eyelash extensions bad' we’ll go over the main questions we get asked…

Are Lash Extensions Bad?

Will Eyelash Extensions Ruin My Natural Lashes?

How Long Will Lash Extensions Last?

Are Eyelash Extensions Worth It?

You’d expect us to promote our service and our industry and say all the good things about lash extensions and we will!

Click the button below to get the best lash extensions from the best lash technicians in the world of eyelash extensions!

Now that's been said, we'll move on.


For a few reasons, it’s just as important to reveal the ‘bad’.

One-so you don’t waste your money. It's important to Winkx FX that people make an educated purchase, especially during these testing Covid times.

Two-If you don’t expect the ‘bad’ you can’t prep for it, making it worse than it would’ve been otherwise, this could lead you to write a ‘bad’ review and to tell your people all the reason not to get lashes, losing more clients for the industry, rather than losing just one informed person who decided eyelash extensions are not worth trying.

In short, if you were informed from the start you won’t be as pissed about the ‘bad’ unexpected surprises, know what you're getting yourself into before you try them.

Woman contemplating which lash extensions she should get


The quick answer is ‘lash extensions are not for everyone’, lifestyle, genetics, environment, and application all play a role in determining if lash extensions are ‘bad’ for you.

For example, lash extensions are not recommended if your involved in contact sports, or you're allergic to latex products which a lot of lash technicians use, or if you work in a hot steamy kitchen or you choose to go with the cheap lash salon with the inexperienced lash techs.

If you choose to go against the advice and recommendations then all these things can make for a ‘bad’ experience.

Some potentially unavoidable ‘bad’ things to consider when getting eyelash extensions:

  • Aftercare can be a lot if you're not accustomed.

  • Prices can be an issue, make sure you budget properly.

  • Can be uncomfortable and will take time to get accustomed to it.

  • Up to 5 lashes fall out naturally daily and they will take the lash extensions with them 

How to minimize the ‘bad’ experiences:

  • Patch Testing: 24 hours before a lash extension treatment. Important to determine if your skin will react to the products used.

  • Budgeting: Please don’t eat 2-minute noodles for breakfast, lunch, and tea so you can afford eyelash extensions.

  • Aftercare: Follow the aftercare instructions.

woman taking notes about eyelash extensions


There’s no solid or definitive evidence that eyelash extensions will damage your natural lashes and if applied correctly your natural lashes will not fall out any faster than they would on their own.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, everyone is different.

Both you and the lash technician should pay close attention to your natural lashes, texture and fullness.

Another common misbelief is that you need to take a break from eyelash extensions every so often, this is not necessary since your lashes, like all hairs on the body follow a natural growth cycle every six to eight weeks.

Eyelash Extension and Eye Shadow


Maintenance, aftercare and application are the ‘keys to longevity’.


After a full set of lash extensions are applied, infills are required every 3-4 weeks but could be less if the ‘keys to longevity’ are neglected.

Finding a competent lash technician is half the battle, then following the aftercare instructions and getting regular infills will complete the things you can do to maximise the longevity of your lash extensions.

Genetics play a role in how long your lashes will last but unless you’re a genius, mad scientist your genes will be hard to manipulate.

Most people don’t notice their natural lashes shedding, because lashes are so small and fine. With eyelash extensions, it’s easier to notice since they’re much larger than natural lashes.

Time and Money - are eyelash extensions worth it


If we’re talking money, then it will depend on the costs of your chosen lash extension set and where you get them done.

Generally, the size and amount of lashes applied will increase the cost.

Winkx FX are a group of home-based salons so our overheads are significantly lower than that of a normal shop salon. Where we save our clients save.

If we’re talking time, then lash extensions are very convenient.

A quick brush in morning and wash in the afternoon is all the time needed for upkeep. Approximately 5-10 mins a day.

The initial full set will take about 1 hour and 2 hours for the fuller sets

Most infills take between 30-45 mins and an hour for the fuller sets and are recommended every 3-4 weeks.

These times are based off Winkx FX standards. We take great pride in our speed and consider it an aspect that separates us from the rest.

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Basically, everyone’s experience with eyelash extensions is completely different.


Being medically unable to have lash extensions is very rare, so, your experience will largely depend on you.

Whether you choose to follow the aftercare advice, whether you choose a competent lash technician and whether or not your willing to accept the ‘bad’ that comes with getting eyelash extensions.


Hope this helps you decide whether or not eyelash extensions are suited for you, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us and if your ready...

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